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Free 2 Learn Homeschooling Collective is a community of homeschooling families in both Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast that come together once a week for group learning days. These learning days are attended by children and their parents and provide group classes, shared learning experiences and extra-curricula activities.
Our aim is to contribute and grow as a community and to provide a safe and respectful learning environment that is secular and inclusive for homeschooling children from Prep to Year 12. Free2Learn provides an environment for activities that require a larger group such as sporting carnivals, performing arts productions, facilitated classes and field trips.


When & Where

Each term consists of 8 weeks.
Our Community Learning Days will run each Wednesday from 9 am - 2.30 pm. at Springwood
Currently we have a 5-6,  7 - 8 and 9-10 year old groups. In 2023 we hope to include an 11-12 group.


Sunshine Coast

Our Community Learning Days will run each Thursday from 9 am - 2.30 pm at Cooroy 
Currently we have a 5 - 7,  8 - 10 and 11-13 year old groups. In 2023 we hope to include an 14+ group.



$25 per chid per day
$25 administration fee per family per term
$25 fundraising fee per family per term
As of December 2021. Subject to change.
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